Friday, May 9, 2008

Just a story

It had just passed 7pm when I arrived home from work, and my bladder was bursting! As soon as I walked through the front door, I was greeted by my husband with "Air kosong ais", which in translation means Iced water.

He had this extreme need of having iced water. It wasn't just cold chilled water from the fridge, it had to be extremely cold iced water. He once said the chemotherapy felt like a burning sensation and that made him burn inside. Iced water had always helped.

"Hi Abang. What a day!" I said as I sighed.

"Air kosong ais" he replied, trying to hide his cheeky grin.

"I really need the loo." I replied. His iced water needed special preparation, as he liked the ice to be crushed in the chilled water, and with a bladder so full like mine, it wasn't a good idea to do it there and then.

"Air kosong ais" I heard him say again.

We didn't have a toilet downstairs, so I ran up the stairs to our bathroom. Got to the toilet and enjoyed the bliss of release.....ahhhhhh. Sat on the toilet for a few moment, as I find it quite relaxing and therapeutic. I get most of my best ideas while on the toilet....but thats another blog in its entirety.

Anyway, as I was enjoying the tranquility of my pink toilet, I heard the phone ringing downstairs. Then, a little voice outside my toilet door called for me.

"Umi, phone" said my 5 year old.

"Umi is in the toilet, can you ask then to call back?" and I heard little feet run down the stairs.
2 seconds later, the little feet was back up and knocking on my bathroom door again.

"Umi, dia kata emejensi" said my son again.

Emergency? This must be important. I quickly washed what was needed to be washed and ran downstairs.

"Hello?" as I picked up the phone.

"Air kosong ais" said a familiar voice on the other line.

I turned around and saw my husband sitting on the chair with his mobile to his ear, but this time, he couldn't hide the cheeky smile.
I put the phone down and gave him 'the look'. We exchanged a few friendly slaps and I surrendered to his demands.

Then I went to the kitchen to make him his air kosong ais.

Till today, this is one of the favourite stories my children love to hear. They would crack up laughing each time. Umi was dooped....yes, yes, very funny, as I laughed with them too.


MHB said...

This is such a sweet story... one which will be told again and again and neither the storyteller nor the listeners will ever get bored of telling and listening!!!

zah said...

Dear Dr.. got your blog add thru reading D's blog which i got to know from a friend who told me about the late Mr.D.. I salute strong ladies like you and D.. I am new to blogging.. it is indeed a therapy.. i am the kind yang tak cakap banyak, simpan dalam hati je.. so through blogging i hope to be able to share.. in writing..

Anonymous said...

dr petite cefat lah updateeeee... i like your blog tafiiiiiii dr tak update pun.

hope dr and kids are in good health and selamat sejahtera selalu.

petite n powerful said...

Dear myheartbleeds,
This story is definitely a favourite with the kids. Any stories where they can laugh at their Umi is always a big hit....

Dear Zah,
Thanks for dropping by. I am also now a fan of your blog too. I have found that blogging does help, and it prevents me from blankly staring into space...and it is a place to share common experiences and get motivational non-biased comments from people who do not know you. I think its the best (and cheapest) form of therapy.

Dear Anonymous...Just for you today, I have entered a new blog. Sorry for the absence...yes, I was staring into blankness again for a few days.