Once again, we reflect of the past year and try to recall what our new year resolutions were a year ago.
It has been a mix of good and bad this year.
But I must say, we have all done pretty well, alhamdulillah.
Mum had her brain surgery and follow up MRIs have been promisingly good. She is much better in herself, but requires the daily dose of TLC from all her children. I do the best I can, though at times is never enough for some. And that includes me. I am a culprit to my own guilt. I recall taking care of my late husband. Nothing seemed to matter but him. I would walk 500 miles if it meant making him feel better. I would go sleepless if that was what it took. I was never tired. But I am tired now. Poor mum. Sorry. But, on a good note, she is meningioma free.
I resigned. Now in a new position doing exciting things. Though still not quite what I had expected and I keep having to tell myself to be patient. I'll get there soon enough. The blank canvas is being painted.
The 2 new additions to the family (my younger sister's baby and younger brother's baby) are the joy for both parents, grandparents and all their aunts, uncles and cousins. 2 healthy baby boys, which makes them grandkids number 16 and 17!
My kiddies have both done well in school and I am proud of them both. They have helped out with chores and cooking. They have taken on the new responsibilities with flying colours since we became maidless a few months ago.
My little man is now taller than me. Phew! What a relief. Being vertically challenged myself, I would not wish that for my son. Hahaha...nothing wrong with being short. It can be used to my advantage at the better of times!
And to my long distant most special friend.....I cannot believe that we are still holding strong. Well, I can actually. You are amazing and I thank Allah for crossing our paths. To you, thank you for sticking around, a "shoulder" to cry and lean on, to laugh with, and bare to hear about how my day went. To help me make those decisions, to sit down and work things out, and basically to whine and moan to. Thank you too for laughing at my jokes. (Not many do). Thank you for understanding. Thank you for loving my past and my present.
And to my past, who will always be with me to this present and the future, I pray that you are kept well and be granted Jannah. We miss you dearly but have accepted with open hearts of what Allah has planned.
May Allah continue to give us rezeki, to shelter us and I can't wait to see what he has installed for me in 2011! Thank you Allah.
Good blog.
Thanks Kannan.
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